Excerpt from The Many Lessons of the Mother Prophet:
“A silhouette of a wolf stood high in the sky.
The earth shook as the upturned head of the red-eyed animal howled. The moonlit night gave little clue that life existed upon the land. Fog blanketed the earth’s surface, allowing no glimpse of it. On a night that loomed bleak and dreary, the bones of the dead, rattled deep down inside dark graves as they rose to sit upon the earth. A golden-eyed owl perched high on the limb of a leafless tree. Its bright eyes shone for all that journeyed forth in the dead of the night. Winged fowls flew through the night air in answer to the wolf’s call.
Marine life swirled around in every body of water. Silent footsteps moved across the land as the spirits of animals, large and small, howled in their voices, acknowledging this long-awaited gathering.
It was the night of the rebirth of the Mother Prophet to walk upon the earth again.”

In "The Unexpected II 2020 The Year When The Face of America Changed" Our heroine Dawn has a tragic story to tell about the past and an unsettling tale of what the future may hold for us here on this planet. What she neglects to report to her classmates is not only had she visited the past, but she had mistakenly wandered into a harrowing experience of the future. This work of fiction takes us on a sci/fic journey from history to our possible future as humans on this earth.
The Unexpected is a North American story of a miraculous friendship between a Black slave woman named May Bee in 1842, and a White college student named Dawn in 2016. The two women living three centuries apart are suddenly introduced on a Louisiana riverbank by a supernatural companion. They are joined together on a cotton plantation to solve a critical dilemma in the life of the slave woman and to show the female college student how much more they are alike than different. Through their new friendship, the lives of these two women are forever changed to bring hope to life past and life to come.
This work of fiction has been written to acknowledge certain women who stepped out of their privileged lives to expose wrongs done to others who had no privileges or human rights. As a college student, our heroine takes one of the most surreal journeys into the past that whirled her unexpectedly into the future revealing a terrifying ending of life for those on this planet.

Ms. Anna, guided by supernatural forces, prepares to keep her promise to her alien friends to help them destroy the Mocoba Beings that have taken over their world. There are, however, challenges on her own planet that she must first face. The alien and its thirteen eyes that have been guiding her life, unknown to her, are helping her meet those challenges so that she can hurry and leave with them. Having no understanding of the norms and morals of her world, they make a roller coaster of dangerous twists and turns that may very well end her life before she is able to become the promise keeper.
Guided by supernatural forces, Anna Bradley leaves her lover, Raymond Forlorn, behind and returns to her hometown to reunite with her children and fulfill a personal mission. Now virtually a stranger to the family and friends she left behind four years earlier with only the remains of a burning car and no idea of her whereabouts, there is no question that Anna is a changed woman.
Anna has plans to finally divorce her adulterous husband, Jake, and leave with her children to create a new life. But a wrench is thrown in her plans when she discovers her husband will do anything to get her back, including killing Raymond and her attorney. When a near tragedy prompts an encounter with an old enemy, the supernatural forces lead her to move to Louisiana where a devastating discovery nearly ends her life. Deeply angered, Anna is left to question her relationship with the Supernatural forces until a deep dark secret is revealed that changes everything
In this continuing saga, a woman trapped between the supernatural and her harsh reality must confront life and death struggles in order to keep the two worlds apart and somehow find the happiness she knows she deserves.

Sex, love, violence, and hate are the table seasonings of this world, says author Helen Collier with Meow at The Helm. With these seasonings in hand, she penned Ms. Anna and the Tears from the Healing Tree, a romance that works to shed social stigmas associated with interracial relationships.
Romance, mystery, and fantasy woven together in a story that takes many surprising twists all the way to the end. As the characters dip into new relationships, Collier challenges stereotypes and explores the intricacies of interracial romances.
The political and cultural explorations of race and stereotypes are featured prominently in the story, but Collier also uses elements of fantasy to reveal the spiritually charged motivations of her characters.
Anna's heart staggered. She looked at the scar just below his hairline and wondered how it happened. This man was the only part of her past still intact, thanks to the Old Head. Tucked away safe in her dreams where not even her mother could hurt them. Finding him in that apartment near death had shattered her heart. Seeing him struggle to rise and feeling his body tremble and his tears flow when nightmares shook him, touched her in a way she could not explain. Lying in bed with her arms wrapped around him, she assured him that she would never leave him.

At four o'clock in the evening, telephone ringers are turned off. Do not disturb signs are hung from the doorknobs of homes all over America. With remotes in hand to prevent the accidental channel changes by spouses or TV addicted children, those who love Oprah get ready for a relaxing evening in front of their television sets. Mrs. Johnnie Bea is one of those women, but it is what she does with the other hours of her day that are important. Her story is one of history, change, legacies, beans, and a better future through community. Using her Oprah as inspiration she helps those around her to grow and continue the legacy that her father started. When an unexpected accident hospitalizes her, Mrs. Johnnie Bea's legacy is left up to the seven women she took under her wing.

Collier has chosen Meow as her tag. Under that umbrella, she is able to take her reader far beyond planet Earth and into the unknown realm of other worlds.
Come along with me. I'm Meow, the Louisiana catfish swimming down the Mississippi River exciting my readers with a bit of wit, humor, and intrigue. We swim right into the hell of insanity with all its raging madness in The Scent of Lilac. Escape takes my readers down the Mississippi in the middle of a monster river gone mad. We swim farther along and come upon the preacher's son searching for Truth, Honesty, and Justice. Arthur takes us into a dark room where murder comes with a bit of humor. Swimming against the current, my readers ride along with me to meet Selina and the Old Man, who lived forty years under the earth. For my readers who like a little humor and intrigue, I've got the dead returning for revenge in Uncle Willie, USA. Is city life best for a young country boy coming of age? We find out in Because It Is Law Doesn’t Make It Right.
Meow is looking for trouble. Let's go find some.